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Frozen Toilet, Dump on Toilet or just a plain Toilet Dump

Frozen Toilet

Enjoy the winter weather? Well this guy did well sitting on a frozen toilet.

Good News is his wife that saw him was quite cool about the situation.

She said at least the wallet defrosted nicely! Well when we were giving her an interview, we asked what it was that got them both together.

There was a silence, then,"Yes i found him very hot, so i married him but then he gave me the cold shoulder.

In the heat of the moment the guy did not reply and stayed very still. In fact he was caught with his pants down again in the Public Toilet.

Toilet Dump

We did some investigation and found out that her new love was a Ski Jumper doing a ski dump.

Unusually she was from a hot Country,but loves the cold weather.

This guy didnt last as the door opened then he jumped up that quick and took off! He only realised she placed the toilet on the edge of a cliff, wonder where she went next?

We then found her in Mixed Toilets.